Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Food for thought

Speaking of food, a treasure-trove of nutrition research regarding animal-based and plant-based diets is The China Study, a book by Dr. Colin Campbell. His compilation of research studies over the past 30 years indicates very powerfully that animal-based high-protein diets can trigger and progress cancer and heart disease, while whole food plant-based low-protein diets can inhibit cancer development and reverse cancer progression. Paleo, Mediterranean, whatever the diet: we all have our own stories of how a certain diet has helped us to lose weight, temporarily or permanently. It seems that all "diets" seems to work for some people. And we all understand it's as simple as calories in, and energy out (and finding the time to exercise). Being human, we sometimes have problems adhering to that equation.
The question is, what evidence is there that a certain nutrition approach can impact a human's ability to not only lose weight, but to improve overall health, vitality, and protect you from disease? There is very compelling evidence that a whole food plant-based low-protein nutritional approach not only helps to lose weight. More importantly, it may also save lives and help avoid significant pain and suffering from disease. Yes, there is other studies that indicate other approaches work as well, but if you're interested in learning more read The China Study. How ironic that after spending billions of dollars looking for "cures" for cancer and heart disease, that the "cure" might have been discovered years...even centuries simply maintaining a lifestyle focused on plant-based, low protein, whole foods. That's food for thought.

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